Xperience/Thailand/Phuket/Kathu District/Kathu/Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket

Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket

Kathu Atv Adventure-Phuket Archery & BB. Gun
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Kathu District
Mulai dari

Rp 384.808

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Pengalaman yang Menunggumu

Come to Kathu ATV Adventure to experience a variety of thrills
Drive an ATV, shoot a BB gun (air soft), learn archery, and many more
Enjoy your chosen activity with the help of a professional English-speaking instructor
Travel to the site through the inclusive hotel round-trip transfers for various areas

Book now and don’t miss out on what’s sure to be a fun time in Phuket!

Bring your kids along for a while ride they won’t soon forget

Enjoy some friendly competition with the BB gun and archery experiences

Experience a high-speed adventure for a change of pace during your Phuket trip

Surcharge Table

Kontak, Fasilitas, Bahasa Layanan, dan Info Lainnya

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Detail Lokasi

Kathu Atv Adventure-Phuket Archery & BB. Gun
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket?
Harga voucher untuk Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket mulai dari Rp 384.808. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket.
Dimana detail lokasi Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket?
Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket berada di Kathu Atv Adventure-Phuket Archery & BB. Gun. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk panduan cara menuju ke Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket.
Apa saja pilihan tempat seperti Kathu ATV Adventure in Phuket yang bisa dikunjungi di Kathu District?

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 384.808.
Kathu Atv Adventure-Phuket Archery & BB. Gun.
Tur;Olahraga Rekreasi