Xperience/Thailand/Chiang Mai/Mueang Chiang Mai District/Su Thep/[Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand

[Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand

Galae Restaurant
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Mueang Chiang Mai District
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Rp 874.810

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Enter a tranquil and colourful garden filled with joy. Sit back and let the vibrant sights and aromas envelop you as you unwind and enjoy the exquisite afternoon tea

Sit back as you enjoy your tea and take in the colourful sights all around you
Commute with ease with the convenient hotel pickup and drop-off service
Make a bargain with the special promotional price exclusively on Traveloka!

— What You Can Expect —

Immerse yourself in a colourful world at Galae Restaurant's stunning flower garden as you sit back and enjoy a hot cup of afternoon tea, french toast, and the top-notched service. Indulge in a serene walk through the garden as you're greeted by a sea of vibrant blooms and refreshing aromas.

— Itinerary —

2:00 pm: Pickup from your hotel's lobby in the Old City of Chiang Mai
2:45 pm: Arrive at Galae Restaurant's flower garden
3:00 pm: The afternoon tea is served in the garden
4:00 pm: Return to your hotel in Chiang Mai's Old City

— Afternoon Tea Menu —

Mixed fruit French toast
Hot tea set (the tea selection is available on-site)

— Important Information —

Children aged 3 and under can join the set for free and share it with an adult
If you have any dietary restrictions, please inform the restaurant or customer service before the service date

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Detail Lokasi

Galae Restaurant
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Frequently Asked Questions

Berapa harga voucher [Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand?
Harga voucher untuk [Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand mulai dari Rp 874.810. Kunjungi halaman ini untuk melihat informasi lengkap mengenai harga [Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand.
Kapan tanggal yang tersedia untuk [Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand?
[Traveloka Exclusive] Afternoon Tea in Flower Garden with Transfer in Chiang Mai | Thailand tersedia di tanggal 12 Mar 2025. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai ketersediaan tanggal dan durasi untuk event ini, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.

Informasi Umum

Harga Tiket
Mulai dari Rp 874.810.
Tanggal Tersedia
12 Mar 2025.
Galae Restaurant
Pengalaman Kuliner