For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, Apatel Silkwood Residence Alam Sutera is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.
Have fun with various entertaining facilities for you and the whole family at Apatel Silkwood Residence Alam Sutera, a wonderful accommodation for your family holiday.
The apartment’s fitness center is a must-try during your stay here.
Have an enjoyable and relaxing day at the pool, whether you’re traveling solo or with your loved ones.
Apatel Silkwood Residence Alam Sutera is a wise choice for travelers visiting Alam Sutera.
Smoking is prohibited in the accommodation.
Pets are not allowed in the accommodation.
The amount of advance deposit is 300.000 IDR (Indonesian Rupiah)
Transfer to
PT. Apatel Mitra Inovasi - Bank BCA
Bank Account no: 3720279435
Your deposit will be refunded up to 1 week after check out (+admin fee if you're not using BCA)
Thank you.
For safety and protection against Covid-19 outbreak, we highly suggest for spraying disinfectant during your stay. We provide disinfectant spraying service starts from 300.000 IDR. (optional)
Payment can be transferred to
PT. Apatel Mitra Inovasi
Bank Account No: 3721808040 (BCA)
For our beloved guest
to ensure a great stay, make sure:
* Please confirm your arrival 2 hours before check-in, so our staff can prepare your room well and also hand over the room key
* Please take care of all furniture and facilities
* Please keep the unit clean and safe
* Please use the facilities and appliances in a reasonable manner
* Any illegal activities in the apartment are not allowed
* Do not disturb your neighbors
Jumlah uang muka adalah 300.000 IDR (Rupiah Indonesia)
Transfer ke
PT. Apatel Mitra Inovasi - Bank BCA
Bank Akun no: 3720279435
Deposit Anda akan dikembalikan hingga 1 minggu setelah check-out (dikenakan biaya admin jika Anda tidak menggunakan BCA)
Jamin Anda.
Untuk keselamatan dan perlindungan terhadap wabah Covid-19, kami sangat menyarankan untuk penyemprotan disinfektan selama Anda menginap.Kami menyediakan layanan penyemprotan disinfektan mulai dari 300.000 IDR. (opsional)
Payment dapat dialihkan ke
PT.Apatel Mitra Inovasi
Bank No: 3721808040 (BCA)
Untuk tamu tercinta
untuk memastikan pengalaman menginap yang menyenangkan, pastikan:
* Harap konfirmasikan kedatangan Anda 2 jam sebelum check-in, sehingga staf kami dapat mempersiapkan kamar Anda dengan baik dan juga menyerahkan kunci kamar
* Harap urus semua furnitur dan fasilitas
* Harap jaga kebersihan dan keamanan unit
* Silakan gunakan fasilitas dan peralatan dengan cara yang wajar
* Setiap kegiatan ilegal di apartemen tidak diperbolehkan
* Jangan ganggu tetangga Anda
こだわり条件 | エアコン, スイミングプール, エレベーター |
チェックイン / チェックアウト時間 | 14:00 - 21:00 - 01:00 - 12:00 |
Apatel Silkwood Residence Alam Suteraの別の施設 | デスク, 簡易キッチン, 冷蔵庫, シャワー, テレビ |