Penginapan Prima Syariah

Jln Kemetiran Kidul Pringgokusuman GT 2/587, Gedongtengen, Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, 55272


24 時間対応フロントデスク


徒歩圏内 観光名所
トップに選ばれた 低予算旅行者
24時間 フロントサービス
Staying at Penginapan Prima Syariah is a good choice when you are visiting Gedong Tengen. 24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
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Jln Kemetiran Kidul Pringgokusuman GT 2/587, Gedongtengen, Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, 55272
ロビー Penginapan Prima Syariah
その他 2 Penginapan Prima Syariah

Penginapan Prima Syariahの詳細情報


Staying at Penginapan Prima Syariah is a good choice when you are visiting Gedong Tengen.

The homestay is located only 1.79 km away from Lempuyangan Station.

This homestay is very easy to find since it is strategically positioned close to public facilities.

About Penginapan Prima Syariah

Not only located within easy reach of various places of interests for your adventure, but staying at Penginapan Prima Syariah will also give you a pleasant stay.

Penginapan Prima Syariah is highly recommended for backpackers who want to get an affordable stay yet comfortable at the same time.

For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, Penginapan Prima Syariah is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.

While traveling with friends can be a lot of fun, traveling solo has its own perks. As for the accommodation, Penginapan Prima Syariah is suitable for you who value privacy during your stay.

24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Staying at Penginapan Prima Syariah will surely satisfy you with its great hospitality and affordable price.

Penginapan Prima Syariahでご利用いただけるすべての施設

ロビー Penginapan Prima Syariah
その他 Penginapan Prima Syariah


  • ATM/ 銀行
  • ビューティーサロン
  • ギフトショップ
  • 食料品
  • 美容院
  • ランドリー
  • ショップ
  • スーパーマーケット


  • 喫煙エリア
  • 禁煙


  • 無料 Wi-Fi


  • 公共エリアでの WiFi


  • デスク


  • 24 時間受付

Penginapan Prima Syariahの宿泊ポリシーと基本情報

Document Policy
Upon check-in, you are required to bring ID Card, Marriage Certificate. Please bring the required documents in hard copy.

Minimum Age for Check-in Policy
Minimum age to check-in is 17. Minor guests must be accompanied by adults upon check-in.


開始 14:00
最終 12:00

Breakfast at the accommodation will be provided from 07:00 - 09:00.

Pets are not allowed in the accommodation.

Any parties or events are not allowed in this accommodation.

Informasi dikenakan additional charge apabila kapasitas menginap lebih dari maksimal occupancy //

Please note that the property will takes ID card upon check-in and returned back upon check-out. The hotel has a policy of not receiving any reservations made by non-married couples and that the married-couples have to present themselves with a valid government-issued identity prior to check-in such as the Indonesian ID card (KTP suami-istri) / Marriage Certificate/wedding photos (foto-foto pernikahan). Failing/refusing to do so will result in the rejection of the reservation. (Hotel memiliki kebijakan untuk tidak menerima reservasi yang dibuat oleh pasangan non-menikah dalam satu kamar. Pasangan yang sudah menikah harus memiliki dan memperlihatkan identitas diri seperti KTP suami-Istri dengan alamat yang sama / fotokopi Buku Nikah / foto-foto pernikahan pada saat registrasi (check-in). Pihak hotel berhak untuk membatalkan/menolak reservasi jika tamu tidak dapat/menolak menunjukkan kartu identitas yang diminta.)


24 時間対応フロントデスク, Wi-Fi
チェックイン / チェックアウト時間
開始 14:00 - 最終 12:00
Penginapan Prima Syariahの空室状況
Penginapan Prima Syariahのフロア数
Penginapan Prima Syariahの別の施設
ATM/ 銀行, ビューティーサロン, ギフトショップ, 食料品, 美容院

Penginapan Prima Syariahに関するよくある質問

Penginapan Prima Syariahでご利用いただける施設は?
Penginapan Prima Syariahには24 時間対応フロントデスク, Wi-Fiなどの充実した施設があります(一部有料)。
Penginapan Prima Syariahのチェックイン・チェックアウト時間は?
Penginapan Prima Syariahのチェックインは 開始 14:00 から、チェックアウトは 最終 12:00 までです。


その他 4 Penginapan Prima Syariah


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