Splendid service together with wide range of facilities provided will make you complain for nothing during your stay at Hotel Fortuna.
Savor your favorite dishes with special cuisines from Hotel Fortuna exclusively for you.
Hotel Fortuna is a hotel with great comfort and excellent service according to most hotel's guests.
With all facilities offered, Hotel Fortuna is the right place to stay.
人気の施設 | レストラン, エレベーター |
チェックイン / チェックアウト時間 | から 14:00 - 前に 12:00 |
Hotel Fortunaの空室状況 | 342 |
Hotel Fortunaの別の施設 | ロビーでのコーヒー/紅茶, ルームサービス, コンシェルジュ, エクスプレスチェックアウト, 両替屋 |