National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complexの人気観光地は?
National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complexで注目の観光地はPlaza Salcedo (Dancing Fountain), St. Paul's Metropolitan Cathedral, Calle Crisologo, Vigan Heritage Village, Crisologo Museumです
National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complexには何軒のホテルが掲載されていますか?
現在、National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complexで予約可能なホテルは約76軒です
National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complex周辺ホテルの口コミ
National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complexのホテルレビュー数:270件、総合評価:8.8/10。
National Museum of the Philippines Ilocos Complex周辺のホテルに宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、理想のホテルを簡単に見つけましょう!
Customer service was so nice. Also the facilities and ambiance of the hotel its so classic. Breakfast was in buffet and the food was okay. Location is great it was near Calle Crisologo and very accessible.
Hem Apartelle was closed due to covid19. But they transferred us to Hotel Lapira. The place was awesome. Clean and courteous staffs. The place is also a walking distance to Calle Crisostomo.