This hotel is very easy to find since it is strategically positioned close to public facilities.
Be ready to get the unforgettable stay experience by its exclusive service, completed by a full range of facilities to cater all your needs.
Get precious and unforgettable moment during your stay at Casa da Sé.
Hotel only accepts guests with minimum age of 18
こだわり条件 | レストラン, Wi-Fi, エレベーター |
チェックイン / チェックアウト時間 | 15:00 - 19:00 - 最終 12:00 |
Casa da Séの空室状況 | 12 |
Casa da Séのフロア数 | 4 |
Casa da Séの別の施設 | ランドリーサービス, 荷物預かり, エクスプレスチェックイン, エクスプレスチェックアウト, 多言語対応スタッフ |