Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai

4 Moo.6 ตำบลไชยสถาน, Pa Bong, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50140


24 時間対応フロントデスク
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is a hotel in a good neighborhood, which is located at Pa Bong. 24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you. WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.
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4 Moo.6 ตำบลไชยสถาน, Pa Bong, Saraphi District, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 50140
ロビー Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai
外観 2 Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiについて詳しく知る


Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is a hotel in a good neighborhood, which is located at Pa Bong.

About Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai

Not only located within easy reach of various places of interests for your adventure, but staying at Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai will also give you a pleasant stay.

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is a hotel near Airport, an ideal accommodation while waiting for your next flight. Enjoy a satisfying place to rest during your transit.

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is highly recommended for backpackers who want to get an affordable stay yet comfortable at the same time.

For you, travelers who wish to travel comfortably on a budget, Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is the perfect place to stay that provides decent facilities as well as great services.

From business event to corporate gathering, Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai provides complete services and facilities that you and your colleagues need.

Have fun with various entertaining facilities for you and the whole family at Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai, a wonderful accommodation for your family holiday.

This hotel is the perfect choice for couples seeking a romantic getaway or a honeymoon retreat. Enjoy the most memorable nights with your loved one by staying at Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai.

If you plan to have a long-term stay, staying at Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is the right choice for you. Providing wide range of facilities and great service quality, this accommodation certainly makes you feel at home.

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is the splendid choice for you who are seeking a luxurious treat for your holiday. Get pampered with the most excellent services and make your holiday memorable by staying here.

This hotel is the best spot for you who desire a serene and peaceful getaway, far away from the crowds.

While traveling with friends can be a lot of fun, traveling solo has its own perks. As for the accommodation, Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is suitable for you who value privacy during your stay.

Be ready to get the unforgettable stay experience by its exclusive service, completed by a full range of facilities to cater all your needs.

The hotel’s fitness center is a must-try during your stay here.

Have an enjoyable and relaxing day at the pool, whether you’re traveling solo or with your loved ones.

24-hours front desk is available to serve you, from check-in to check-out, or any assistance you need. Should you desire more, do not hesitate to ask the front desk, we are always ready to accommodate you.

Savor your favorite dishes with special cuisines from Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai exclusively for you.

WiFi is available within public areas of the property to help you to stay connected with family and friends.

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai is a hotel with great comfort and excellent service according to most hotel's guests.

Get precious and unforgettable moment during your stay at Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai.

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiのすべての施設

スイミングプール Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai
機能ホール Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai
共用スペース Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai
ロビー Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai
外観 Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai


  • デスク
  • ヘアドライヤー
  • ミニバー
  • 冷蔵庫
  • シャワー
  • テレビ


  • エアコン
  • 禁煙室
  • スイミングプール
  • 禁煙
  • テラス


  • 駐車場
  • レストラン
  • 朝食レストラン
  • 貸金庫
  • 公共エリアでの WiFi


  • フロント
  • 24 時間受付
  • 24 時間セキュリティ
  • 荷物預かり
  • 多言語対応スタッフ


  • ATM/ 銀行
  • ビューティーサロン
  • 食料品
  • 美容院
  • スーパーマーケット


  • フィットネスセンター
  • 屋外プール


  • 障害者用駐車場
  • 車椅子でアクセス可能


  • 無料 Wi-Fi


  • 会議施設

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiの宿泊ポリシーと&般情報


から 14:00
前に 12:00

Pets are allowed in the accommodation. Additional charges apply.


エアコン, スイミングプール, レストラン, 24 時間対応フロントデスク, 駐車場, Wi-Fi
チェックイン / チェックアウト時間
から 14:00 - 前に 12:00
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiの空室状況
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiのフロア数
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiの別の施設
デスク, ヘアドライヤー, ミニバー, 冷蔵庫, シャワー

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiのよくある質問

Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiで利用できる施設は何ですか?
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai には エアコン, スイミングプール, レストラン, 24 時間対応フロントデスク, 駐車場, Wi-Fi などの一流の施設があります。(一別途料金がかかる場合があります)
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Maiの通常のチェックイン・チェックアウト時間は何時ですか?
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai の標準チェックイン時間は から 14:00 から始まり、最終チェックアウト時間は 前に 12:00となります。
Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai では朝食を提供しますか?
はい、 Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai では朝食を提供しています。ただし、朝食付きの部屋を選択するか、朝食なしの部屋を予約する場合は追加料金を支払う必要があります。


スイミングプール 4 Khammon Lanna Resort Chiang Mai


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