Discover the majestic Kagungan Dalem Keraton Yogyakarta, featuring three must-visit attractions. Wander through Kedhaton, the heart of the palace, and marvel at historic buildings with classic Javanese architecture, antique collections, and cultural performances. Visit the Wahanarata Museum, home to royal carriages and transportation artifacts. Explore the enchanting Tamansari, a bathing complex built by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I.
Don’t miss the Srimanganti Tour Package, showcasing traditional dances and wayang performances every Tuesday to Sunday, 9 AM - 12 PM at Bangsal Srimanganti. Join the Turangga Tour every Saturday at 10 AM at Wahanarata to learn about royal horse care.
Get the ticket now to discover the unique Javanese culture!
Ticket Price | Starting from AU$1.50. |
Opening Hours | 08:30-14:30. |
Address | Jl. Rotowijayan Blok No. 1, Panembahan, Kecamatan Kraton, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia. |
Public Facilities | Wheel chair,Infirmary,Toilet,Parking area |
Category | Attractions |