Yabbiekayu delivers more than nature; It offers guests informal, authentic javanese hospitality known for its warmth. If you stay here, expect to exchange pleasantries with the staff and owners that can sometimes turn into full-blown eye-opening conversations. Speaking to one of the cleaners, I learned how much the owner Dave cared about his staff like family. I also learned from Dave himself how the humble bungalows were an engineering feat, built to withstand earthquakes and liquification aside from the scorching heat at midday typical of Yogyakarta's climate. The hotel operates sustainably. They grow various herbs, fruits, and vegetables, so guests can always have fresh ingredients. Food waste goes to the chickens. The hotel runs partially on solar energy. And it's equipped with a mechanism for groundwater replenishment. I ended my stay with deep appreciation for the hotel infrastructure, the business model, and most importantly the people who run it.