Lokasi sangat strategis, deket ke Borobudur. Dateng ke sini pas low season, jadi suasananya sepi banget kayaknya ga ada tamu lain yang nginep. Sedikit creepy pas malem karena tiap malem pasti ada suara tokek di atas kamar. Tapi pagi2 suasanyanya enak banget tenang dan relaxing. TV nya sempet beberapa kali hilang sinyal tapi untung staffnya gercep dan responsif.
Deket bgt sama borobudur jelas ya:) Hotelnya oke, parkiran cukup kecil dan padat: D. Breakfastnya cuma 2 pilihan, nasgor atau mie goreng + buah potong + minum (teh/jeruk).
The exterior of the place is different because it is like Joglo. It is kind of nice. However, the room is look old and has a lot of ants. The breakfast was delivered to the room but the food was a little bit too salty. They provide electric bicycle for the guest but we don't have time to try it. The location is a little bit out of the main street so sometimes it is confusing for the drivers that picked us up.