What are the most popular landmarks in South Palu?
The most popular landmarks in South Palu are Mutiara SIS Al-Jufrie Airport (PLW), Rumah Sakit Woodward Palu, Kantor Lorenna Palu, Mall Tatura, GPDI Sulawesi Tengah MD XVI
How many hotels are listed in South Palu?
Currently, there are around 7 hotels that you can book in South Palu
Guest reviews in hotel near South Palu
9.451 reviews from hotels in South Palu with aggregated rating of 8.6/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near South Palu will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Sutan Raja Hotel has a great location, very close to the airport, which makes it super convenient. However, the room had a strong cigarette smell, which was a bit disappointing. If they improved the air quality, it would be a much better stay!