What are the most popular landmarks in Puskesmas Kujangsari?
The most popular landmarks in Puskesmas Kujangsari are Metro Indah Mall, Kantor Kementerian Agama Kota Bandung, Pool Bhinneka Shuttle Buah Batu, Baraya Buah Batu, Apotek Century Bojong Soang
How many hotels are listed in Puskesmas Kujangsari?
Currently, there are around 200 hotels that you can book in Puskesmas Kujangsari
Guest reviews in hotel near Puskesmas Kujangsari
75,198 reviews from hotels in Puskesmas Kujangsari with aggregated rating of 8.1/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Puskesmas Kujangsari will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Booked for 1x Bedroom but got Studio instead. Very bad experience, room is dirty, air conditioner didn't feel cold at all even when I never turned it off. Worst, the bed are full of Bed Bugs! Will never booked this unit again
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