What are the most popular landmarks in Pulo Gadung?
The most popular landmarks in Pulo Gadung are Rawamangun Terminal, Direktorat Jendral Bea dan Cukai, Pacuan Kuda Pulomas, Arion Mall, Pulo Gadung Terminal
How many hotels are listed in Pulo Gadung?
Currently, there are around 6 hotels that you can book in Pulo Gadung
Guest reviews in hotel near Pulo Gadung
33,112 reviews from hotels in Pulo Gadung with aggregated rating of 8.4/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Pulo Gadung will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Got room no 202, the bathroom smelled so so bad, came out from the plumbing, asked the hotel to spray on it, was not helping, asked to move room but all rooms are occupied