Hotel & Accommodation in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Hotels near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

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Popular Hotels near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Check out these memorable hotels and their recent reviews
Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
30 properties found
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Highest popularity
Exterior / Building 1 Grand Cordela Hotel AS Putra Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
2.29 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Windu Hadiwijaya
Very strategic location (close to culinary, shopping centres, tourist attraction), clean, comfortable and tidy rooms, good swimming pool, delicious and variative breakfast, nice!
Price around

801.648 VND

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Exterior / Building 1 The Icon Hotel Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Cigugur, Kuningan
3.46 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

1.160.855 VND

See Availability
Exterior / Building 1 Hotel Purnama Mulia, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Cigugur, Kuningan
922 m from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Train station pickup
Wheelchair accessible
Erick Strada Hasibuan
Good place, nice air and beautiful view :)
Price around

599.757 VND

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Others 1 RedDoorz Syariah near Taman Kota Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
1.94 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

226.526 VND

See Availability
Bedroom 1 RedDoorz Plus near Alun Alun Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Guest Houses
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
2.19 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

354.959 VND

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Bedroom 1 OYO 113676 Wisma Al-fahmi Syariah, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.05 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Price around

164.828 VND

See Availability
Others 1 Penginapan Al Firdausi Syariah Mitra RedDoorz, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Guest Houses
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.18 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

417.042 VND

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Exterior / Building 1 Gassani Guest House Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Guest Houses
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
4.76 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

324.650 VND

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Syariah Safar Guest House RedPartner 1, Hotel Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Kramatmulya, Kuningan
5.45 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

779.587 VND

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Villa Asri Kuningan 1, Hotel Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
2.38 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Outdoor facilities
Children play area
Car rental
Terrace on rooftop
Price around

1.876.750 VND

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Exterior / Building 1 Sakinah Homestay Kuningan , Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.31 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

558.496 VND

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Bedroom 1 Barokah Homestay, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.36 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

562.564 VND

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Bar, Cafe and Lounge 1 Naya Homestay, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
5.43 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Outdoor facilities
Price around

779.587 VND

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Assalam Homestay 1, Hotel Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.31 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Terrace on rooftop
Price around

576.894 VND

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Exterior / Building 1 Wisma Jasmine Syariah, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
4.16 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Price around

779.587 VND

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Ar Razaq Homestay 1, Hotel Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.31 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Recreation room
Terrace on rooftop
Price around

563.001 VND

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Lobby 1 Amanah Homestay, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.41 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Wheelchair accessible
Express check-out
Price around

779.587 VND

See Availability
Others 1 Kedai Oma Syariah Mitra RedDoorz, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Cigugur, Kuningan
3.01 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

654.131 VND

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Hotel Services 1 OYO 94212 Home Stay Syariah Annur, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.24 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

779.587 VND

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Saung Udhe 1, Hotel Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
2.90 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Bicycle storage
Car rental
Price around

1.091.422 VND

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Kuningan City Center, Kuningan
1.94 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

923.167 VND

See Availability
Bedroom 1 OYO 90504 Rizky Homestay Syariah Palutungan Kuningan, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Cigugur, Kuningan
4.29 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Price around

547.270 VND

See Availability
Bedroom 1 OYO 90543 An-nur Guest House Syariah, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Jalaksana, Kuningan
8.20 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Price around

157.890 VND

See Availability
Bedroom 1 OYO 90862 Syariah Safar Guesthouse, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Kramatmulya, Kuningan
5.45 km from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Express check-out
Price around

138.668 VND

See Availability
Swimming Pool 1 Saung Aligo Syariah RedPartner, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Hotels
Cigugur, Kuningan
623 m from Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus
Price around

301.448 VND

See Availability

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More about Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Looking for the perfect place to stay near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus? This comprehensive guide highlights the best accommodation options within convenient proximity to this popular landmark in , , .

Why Stay Near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Staying near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus offers numerous advantages for travelers. Enjoy easy access to this iconic attraction while also being well-positioned to explore other highlights of . Proximity to Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus allows you to visit during optimal times, avoiding crowds and experiencing the landmark in different lighting and atmospheres.

Top-Rated Hotels Near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Discover exceptional accommodation options close to Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus, including highly-rated properties such as Grand Cordela Hotel AS Putra Kuningan, The Icon Hotel Kuningan, Hotel Purnama Mulia, RedDoorz Syariah near Taman Kota Kuningan, RedDoorz Plus near Alun Alun Kuningan, OYO 113676 Wisma Al-fahmi Syariah, Penginapan Al Firdausi Syariah Mitra RedDoorz, Gassani Guest House Kuningan, Syariah Safar Guest House RedPartner, Villa Asri Kuningan, Sakinah Homestay Kuningan , Barokah Homestay, Naya Homestay, Assalam Homestay, Wisma Jasmine Syariah, Ar Razaq Homestay, Amanah Homestay, Kedai Oma Syariah Mitra RedDoorz, OYO 94212 Home Stay Syariah Annur, Saung Udhe, Hotel Vankana Syariah Kuningan, OYO 90504 Rizky Homestay Syariah Palutungan Kuningan, OYO 90543 An-nur Guest House Syariah, OYO 90862 Syariah Safar Guesthouse, Saung Aligo Syariah RedPartner. These establishments have earned stellar reputations with an average guest rating of 0.0 from 0 verified reviews.

Accommodation Types Around Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

The area surrounding Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus features diverse lodging options including -. Whether you're seeking luxury accommodations, budget-friendly options, or something in between, you'll find suitable Hotel choices within walking distance or a short transit ride from this landmark.

Other Nearby Attractions

While Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus will be a highlight of your visit, staying nearby also positions you to conveniently explore other notable attractions including Ipukan Highland, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus, Rageman Resto & Coffee, Resto Ciremai Land, Universitas Islam Al-Ihya Kuningan, Amanta Resto, Taman Getsemani Gua Maria Sawer Rahmat, Joglo Arunika, Villa Kopi, Varvara Hill. Make the most of your trip by experiencing these complementary points of interest.

Surrounding Areas to Explore

From your base near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus, you can easily visit neighboring areas such as -. These districts offer additional experiences that enrich your understanding of the local culture and heritage.

Transportation Options to Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Most accommodations near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus offer convenient access via multiple transportation modes. Many hotels provide shuttle services or are strategically located near public transit stops serving this popular landmark, ensuring effortless visits even multiple times during your stay.

Best Times to Visit Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Planning your visit to Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus at optimal times can significantly enhance your experience. Staying nearby allows you to visit during early morning or evening hours when crowds may be thinner. Consider seasonal factors that might affect your landmark experience when booking your accommodation.

Dining Options Near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

The area surrounding Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus features numerous dining establishments catering to various tastes and budgets. Many hotels also offer on-site restaurants with views of the landmark or cuisine inspired by local traditions, enhancing your overall experience.

Booking Tips for Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus Area Accommodations

For the best rates and availability at hotels near Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus, consider booking well in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons. Many properties offer special packages that include landmark experiences or guided tours, providing added value for your stay in this iconic location.

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Facts about hotel in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Total Accommodation
30 Properties
Popular Hotel
The Icon Hotel Kuningan, Grand Cordela Hotel AS Putra Kuningan
Popular Landmark
Ipukan Highland, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

Frequently asked questions

What are the most popular landmarks in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus?
The most popular landmarks in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus are Ipukan Highland, Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus, Rageman Resto & Coffee, Resto Ciremai Land, Universitas Islam Al-Ihya Kuningan
How many hotels are listed in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus?
Currently, there are around 30 hotels that you can book in Gereja Katolik St. Carolus Borromeus

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