
Mekong Rest Stop Long Thanh

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Buka | Rab, 05:30-20:30
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Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the location will be closed until April 3, 2020
Have a well-deserved break at Mekong Rest Stop, whose qualities live up to international standards and stick by "Green – Clean – Comfort – Class" criteria
Experience Vietnamese cuisine and relax in a natural setting
Enjoy a wide variety of food carefully prepared for you
Shop for your favorite souvenirs with products made from traditional materials such as wood, bamboo, leaves, etc.

It's a long road ahead and you feel like you really need a break in between? Worry not because Mekong Rest Stop got you covered!

At Mekong Rest Stop, whose qualities live up to international standards and stick by "Green – Clean – Comfort – Class" criteria, you can have a well-deserved rest in a spacious area and a natural, relaxing setting. Shop for your favorite souvenirs with products made from traditional materials, and enjoy the meals which are served all day, featuring a wide variety of Vietnamese dishes that will sure to give you, your friends, and family an energy boost to continue the journey! 

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Detail Lokasi

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
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Frequently Asked Questions

Kapan jam operasional Mekong Rest Stop Long Thanh?
Mekong Rest Stop Long Thanh saat ini beroperasi pukul 05:30-20:30. Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai tanggal yang tersedia dan jam operasional, silahkan kunjungi halaman ini.

Informasi Umum

Jam Buka
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Pengalaman Kuliner