Old Government House で最も人気のあるランドマークは Westfield Parramatta Shopping Centre, Westmead Hospital, Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, Elizabeth Farm, Parramatta Parkです
Old Government Houseにはホテルが何件掲載されていますか?
現在、 Old Government Houseで予約できるホテルは約 102 軒あります
Old Government House周辺のホテルのゲストレビュー
Old Government House にあるホテルからのレビュー17 件、総合評価 8.5/10.
Old Government House の周辺のホテルに実際に宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、ぴったりのホテルが簡単に選べます!
Food was so-so. The scrambled egg was very mushy and close to watery. On our second day the room keeping didn’t even replenish drinking water bottle for us.
The service and location is perfect. You have easy access to the public transportation. The room is quite huge and very clean. The breakfast service is typical of western breakfast. Hope that they can vary the selection.