Asd Golf Club Frassanelleで注目の観光地はStadio Euganeo, Lodge of Council or of Gran Guardia, Asd Golf Club Frassanelle, ジーノ・アレグリ民間空港, Piazza dei Signori Paduaです
Asd Golf Club Frassanelleには何軒のホテルが掲載されていますか?
現在、Asd Golf Club Frassanelleで予約可能なホテルは約77軒です
Asd Golf Club Frassanelle周辺ホテルの口コミ
Asd Golf Club Frassanelleのホテルレビュー数:192件、総合評価:8.5/10。
Asd Golf Club Frassanelle周辺のホテルに宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、理想のホテルを簡単に見つけましょう!
Very nice place to stay, there is restaurant and mini market inside the camping area. Comfy beds, good bathroom, fridge working properly, and the most like is we have a terrace. The swimming pool also great. Thank you for the services.
the hotel has got a big lobby and nice coffee shop near the swimming pool. the room is also spacious. actually to go to venice city we can take bus and train. And it is also close (not walking distance) to Market where nice restaurants are located.