VCR Mont Kiaraで注目の観光地はSegambut Station, VCR Mont Kiara, Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan (The Federal Territory Mosque), Moonrise Acupuncture Medical Center, Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centreです
VCR Mont Kiaraには何軒のホテルが掲載されていますか?
現在、VCR Mont Kiaraで予約可能なホテルは約200軒です
VCR Mont Kiara周辺ホテルの口コミ
VCR Mont Kiaraのホテルレビュー数:620件、総合評価:8.7/10。
VCR Mont Kiara周辺のホテルに宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、理想のホテルを簡単に見つけましょう!
Starting from the location that does not match the pin you have placed. After arriving, I think Yi is a hotel that can check-in normally. ! But no ! This is a residence that the owner leaves for a daily morning. I am very difficult to contact him. To stay And everything is so difficult It would not be suitable for me. But the accommodation is clean, safe, there is noise from the road in the morning.