Mount Gulugod Baboyで注目の観光地はMajuben Beach, Mount Gulugod Baboy, OMG! Olvida & Myra's Grill, PHRC Panganlungan Halfwayhouse And Rehabilitation Center, Camp Behiyaです
Mount Gulugod Baboyには何軒のホテルが掲載されていますか?
現在、Mount Gulugod Baboyで予約可能なホテルは約28軒です
Mount Gulugod Baboy周辺ホテルの口コミ
Mount Gulugod Baboyのホテルレビュー数:543件、総合評価:8.1/10。
Mount Gulugod Baboy周辺のホテルに宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、理想のホテルを簡単に見つけましょう!
Our stay was short yet it is very meaningful. The place is very calm and it's like we rented the whole place that day we stayed. I highly recommend this if you want to getaway with the hustle and bustle of city. 😊
I stayed for a night with my parents. The place was pretty difficult to find because there were no signs by the roadside. There were only three options on their menu but they were cooked well and had reasonable prices. I enjoyed the the manta ray wing dive specially because the water has been preserved well despite being close to a residential area. I think that they are the only resort that offers this service. They even offered the use of their action cam for free for the dive.