Indonesia (57.538 Apartemen)
Jawa Timur (5.854 Apartemen)
Sidoarjo (103 Apartemen)
Kota Sidoarjo (64 Apartemen)
Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Jl. Pahlawan No.01, Mangersari, Magersari, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur , Kota Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, 61212
Lihat Peta

Tentang Akomodasi

Menginap di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio saat anda sedang berada di Kota Sidoarjo adalah sebuah pilihan cerdas.

Fasilitas Utama

Kolam Renang

Info Lokasi di sekitar Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Temukan Tempat Lainnya
Jl. Pahlawan No.01, Mangersari, Magersari, Kec. Sidoarjo, Kabupaten Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur , Kota Sidoarjo, Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Indonesia, 61212
Lobi Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio
Lainnya 2 Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Lebih Lanjut tentang Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio


Menginap di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio saat anda sedang berada di Kota Sidoarjo adalah sebuah pilihan cerdas.

Lokasi hotel sangat strategis karena hanya berjarak 11,26 km dengan Bandar Udara Internasional Juanda (SUB).

Dari Stasiun Gedangan , akomodasi ini hanya berjarak sekitar 7 km.

akomodasi ini cukup mudah dijangkau karena berdekatan dengan fasilitas publik.

Tentang Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Menikmati perjalanan sendiri adalah hal yang menyenangkan. Untuk menginap, Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio adalah pilihan pas bagi Anda yang membutuhkan waktu sendiri setelah puas berkeliling kota.

Pusat kebugaran menjadi salah satu fasilitas yang wajib Anda coba saat menginap di tempat ini.

Tersedia kolam renang untuk Anda bersantai sendiri maupun bersama teman dan keluarga.

Pelayanan yang baik dengan harga terjangkau akan membuat Anda merasa nyaman menginap di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio.

Semua Fasilitas di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Lobi Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio
Lainnya Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Fasilitas Kamar

  • Dapur kecil
  • Lemari es
  • Pancuran
  • TV

Kegiatan Lainnya

  • Area main anak
  • Pusat kebugaran
  • Kolam renang outdoor


  • AC
  • Area bebas asap rokok

Fasilitas Publik

  • Lift

Olahraga & Rekreasi

  • Pusat kebugaran

Kebijakan Akomodasi & Informasi Umum di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Catatan Penting
Berencana check-in di luar waktu check-in biasanya (seperti di pagi hari atau tengah malam)? Anda dapat mengatur waktu check-in secara langsung dengan properti ini.

Waktu Check-in/Check-out

14:00 - 23:59
07:00 - 12:00

Menghubungi Akomodasi Sebelum Tanggal Check-in

Tamu wajib menghubungi hotel 1 hari sebelum kedatangan.

Petunjuk Umum Check-in

1. Check-in time is between 14.00 - 24.00
2. Please contact Travelio 3 hours prior to your desired check-in time. For last-minute bookings, please contact us immediately to arrange your check-in time as our staff are not stationed in the unit
3. Deposit IDR 300.000, to be paid prior to check-in and will be refunded 1-14 days business hours after guests check out to your nominated bank account. Please ensure you register the correct bank account details
4. KTP is required for all Indonesian as identification and Passport for any other nationalities
5. Get in touch with our customer service via “talk to us” from our Travelio app, by calling +62 21 39524523, or via WhatsApp at + 62 85179939341. Operating hours are from 07.00 - 24.00
6. A valid phone number is very important for us to ensure you have a great stay experience, please ensure they are correct
7. Guests are responsible to pay for their own parking as charged by the parking company or Building Management. Parking cost for a car usually starts from IDR 5,000/hour
8. Please follow guidance from Building Management at all times including the use of all building facilities
Baca Selengkapnya

Informasi Umum

Fasilitas Populer
AC, Kolam Renang, Lift
Waktu Check-In/Check-Out
14:00 - 23:59 - 07:00 - 12:00

Pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio

Fasilitas apa saja yang tersedia di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio?
Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio memiliki fasilitas terbaik seperti: AC, Kolam Renang, Lift. (Beberapa fasilitas lain mungkin memerlukan biaya tambahan)
Kapan waktu check-in & check-out di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio?
Waktu untuk check-in di Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio adalah mulai dari pukul 14:00 - 23:59 sedangkan waktu check-out paling lambat pukul 07:00 - 12:00

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Lainnya 4 Best Deals and Good Location Studio Apartment at Suncity Residence By Travelio


Disclaimer: Adalah tanggung jawab hotel untuk memastikan akurasi foto hotel. tidak bertanggung jawab atas ketidak-akuratan foto hotel. Harga kamar yang ditampilkan adalah untuk tamu dewasa. Anak-anak mungkin akan dianggap sebagai tamu dewasa dan dikenakan biaya penuh kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya. Harga kamar belum termasuk sarapan dan sarapan akan dikenakan biaya oleh hotel kecuali jika tertera sebaliknya.