The most popular landmarks in Tegalsari are Tunjungan Plaza, Amaris Hotel Embong Malang Surabaya, Rawon Setan, Rumah Sakit Surabaya Medical Center (RS SMS), Cititrans Surabaya
How many hotels are listed in Tegalsari?
Currently, there are around 219 hotels that you can book in Tegalsari
Guest reviews in hotel near Tegalsari
56,824 reviews from hotels in Tegalsari with aggregated rating of 8.1/10.
Review from various users that have stayed in hotel near Tegalsari will help you to choose the perfect hotel easily!
Our 3rd times stays at this hotel and never feel any disappointment. They always serve us well, clean room and bathroom, nice food, many varieties, and affordable prices. Hope they can always keep this kind of services and even make it better. Thanks.
I requested to clean my room when I leaved. But it not happened yet when I back to my room. I asked for mineral water and new towel but it come so long. Please increase your service. If you need more time or cannot do the job at that time just tell the guest from the beginning. So they will not dissappointed.
in vacation with families for long stay,. since years ago never doubth about santika hotels meals and service, very nice hotels with friendly staff arround us,.
all meals very tasty..
hotels kitchen doing amazing!
sure will stay again in future vacation!
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