Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurichの人気観光地は?
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurichで注目の観光地はBahnhofstrasse, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Zurich Town Hall (Rathaus), Kunsthaus Zurich, Zurich Exhibition Centreです
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurichには何軒のホテルが掲載されていますか?
現在、Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurichで予約可能なホテルは約200軒です
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich周辺ホテルの口コミ
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurichのホテルレビュー数:824件、総合評価:8.7/10。
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich周辺のホテルに宿泊したユーザーのクチコミを参考に、理想のホテルを簡単に見つけましょう!
Certainly overpriced! Strategic location, but the hotel is old. The room smells bad and there's no AC to help removing the odor. The ads said an AC was available at the hotel, but it happened to be centralised. The receptionist said I wouldn't need it since it's gonna be 10'C at night. Seriously? The coffee machine in the room didn't work and I was too tired to complain.