Tapos 호텔 및 숙소


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Tapos 호텔 정보

인기 호텔
Mewah, Sangat cocok untuk Keluarga dan Bestie
인기 랜드마크
RS. Simpangan Depok, RS Simpangan Depok

Tapos 호텔 관련 자주 묻는 질문

Tapos에서 숙박하기 가장 좋은 지역은 어디인가요?
Tapos에서 숙박하기 가장 좋은 지역은 Cinere, Margonda, Sawangan, Cimanggis, Cipayung, Cilodong, Beji, Sukmajaya, Bojongsari, Limo입니다
Tapos 주변 베스트 호텔과 숙소는 어디인가요?
관광객들이 가장 많이 예약하는 호텔은 Mewah, Sangat cocok untuk Keluarga dan Bestie입니다
Tapos에서 가장 인기 있는 랜드마크는 무엇인가요?
Tapos에서 가장 인기 있는 랜드마크는 RS. Simpangan Depok, RS Simpangan Depok, Agen Sumber Alam Cimanggis, Pahala Kencana Muncul, Depok입니다
Tapos에 몇 개의 호텔이 있나요?
현재 Tapos에서 예약할 수 있는 호텔은 약 1개입니다

Tapos 주변 호텔 투숙객 리뷰

568 호텔 리뷰 Tapos개, 평점 7.3/10.
Tapos 주변 호텔에 숙박한 다양한 사용자들의 리뷰는 완벽한 호텔을 선택하는 데 도움이 됩니다!
Muhammad H. U.
비공개 프로필입니다
/ 10
29 Nov 2022
OYO 91217 Skyland @ Pgv Near Gunung Putri
It's just so so, not a very good room to stay. The biggest problem is that they don't have WiFi, and signal reception is not very good at all. The blinds for the window can't stop light, so it's not convenient to sleep after sunrise. There is no hot water for shower. The rooms are not cleaned very well and even after asking twice or thrice then they cleaned the room. No toiletries are provided and no room slippers. Not Recommended at all. The staff is not very friendly, on the last day, I mistakenly paid twice, at the check out, the staff was not giving my ID card back, I said I paid twice, it's not that I didn't pay, but they said first we need to sort out the payment, I said I already paid twice, and I am getting late for my flight but they refused to give my ID card. They confirmed that I paid twice but they said first we will refund you and then we will give your ID back, I said I don't need refund, I need my ID so I can take my flight but they didn't listen to me. Very unprofessional staff.
Ristyan V. R. U.
비공개 프로필입니다
/ 10
28 Aug 2024
Penginapan The Backpacker (Penginapan Dalam Gang Kecil)
하숙집 직원은 매우 친절하고 도움이 됩니다.
Sasa K.
비공개 프로필입니다
/ 10
14 Oct 2024
Velito at Podomoro Golf View Apartment
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